How To Turn a Girl On - 9 Top Tips

The secret has long been out that girls are just as crazy about sex as guys. The difference is that sex, for women, is a whole body and mind experience.
So you’ll need to understand the way she thinks and feels as well as the physical aspects to turning her on. In this article I’ll be taking a look at the bigger picture to help set you on your way to successfully turning your girl on every time.

1. Be yourself

In fact, be the best version of yourself. Stand up tall and be confident. Women love a man who knows his own mind, who’s sure of himself and treats a lady well. Don’t try too hard to impress and definitely don’t pretend to be something you’re not. We women know when a man is being false. One of the best ways to turn a woman on is to be endearing and attractive in the way that you present yourself to her.

2. Remove the girl from her friends or noisy areas

Now, if you want to start turning up the heat during your conversation with her, you absolutely need to isolate her. Meaning, removing her from her friends (cock-blocks) and any noisy areas, where you can't talk properly. Make sure it's a quiet area, which is comfortable, so she doesn't get concerned.

3. Body language

Without even opening your mouth, you can begin to get the interest of the girl you fancy. When you walk into a room, push your shoulders back, your chin up and walk tall.
If you’re on a date, choose your seat carefully when it comes to positioning yourself by her.
You want to be either directly opposite her so that you can lean in to the conversation and gaze into her eyes, or next to her so that you can begin to flirt with some touching.
By occasionally glancing at her lips when the moment is right, you’ll also start to send signals that you want to kiss her. This unconscious signal can be very powerful and encourage her to start thinking the same way – if she likes you.

4. Flatter her

Everybody loves a compliment. Telling a girl she’s attractive or sexy is a great way to get her on side. Try not to be too cheesy, just be genuine. Pick out her good points and tell her about them.
If you’re on a date, tell her when you meet how lovely she looks. She’ll probably have put effort into her appearance, and knowing that you noticed will mean a lot to her.
If you’re with your more long-term partner, then don’t allow the compliments to slide as the years go by. What turns a girl on varies over time, but she’ll still appreciate being told how beautiful you find her, especially if you want to get her in the mood for romance.

5. Talk (about sex)

Body language can only take you so far, but it helps to get a girl’s attention. Women love to talk, so the art of conversation can be a deal clincher when it comes to turning her on and taking things to the next level.
You might have already sent some flirty text messages to crank her excitement levels up a notch. Face to face, keep the momentum going and seduce her verbally.
Talk about sex casually in conversation so that she starts to think of you in a sexual way. You can slow down your speech and talk smoothly to increase the effect of this.
For us women especially, the thought of sex can be just as exciting as the act itself so think of this as foreplay. It’s all about saying the right things, at the right times and in the right way. You don’t have to be James Bond, but at least try to bring your own touch of style and class to what you say to her.
When things get a bit hotter, you could also share your fantasies with each other if you think you have that kind of chemistry going on. Tease before you please and light up her mind as well as her body.

6. Take your time

Look for signals – if she seems receptive go to the next level, but be patient. The more effort you put in to understanding what turns her on, the better a sexual experience you’ll be rewarded with.
You’ll regret rushing things too much when the ‘teasing’ phase is over, so try to leave her wanting more. Foreplay doesn’t just mean 5 minutes of giving a woman oral sex and then on to the main thing.
It can mean just getting as far as a massage one night and nothing else. This adds to the excitement and anticipation and will definitely get her in the mood.

7. Read her body language carefully

When talking to her, does she look at you in a sexual way? Is she lingering with intent? Are her pupils dilated? Is she touching you regularly? These are all signs, she wants to kiss you.

Not only should you set the scene mentally and physically, but make sure the setting is just right and help her feel at ease
The more women you speak to and sexually escalate with, the easier it will become to read these signs.

8. Touch

Once there are clear signs that she’s interested in you, the next step is to introduce some gentle touching. Brush your hand across her thigh or sweep past her arm and she’ll begin to notice.
If you do this a few times, she’ll not only get the hint that you want to feel her body, but she’ll begin to get excited and turned on.
If you feel that you can, the next level would be more deliberate touching motions – for example you could brush her hair back if it’s covering her face, or there are strands hanging.

Kissing and touching more erogenous zones (such as the neck or the more obvious breasts etc) comes next

All women want a strong manly man. This means you need to look directly into her eyes, place your hands around her waist and slowly pull her to you. Your stomachs should be touching. When this happens you will see her pupils dilate and she'll begin to slow her movements down.
Dominance is by far the best way to turn a woman on and this move is a surefire tactic.

9. What  you shouldn’t do

There are lots of tips for turning a woman on and getting her in the mood for sex, but there are also some things you should steer clear of.
  • Don’t lie – be yourself and start as you mean to go on by being honest.
  • Don’t pressure her (no means no).
  • Don’t be rude (you might think you’re joking and flirting but she could well be offended).
  • Don’t rush things. The flirting stages are often the most exciting and sexual tension can be just as fun as the sex itself.
  • Don’t neglect your personal grooming. While a man covered in grease from working on a D.I.Y. task can sometimes be a turn-on for us girls, most of the time we want you to be clean, smell good and be well-groomed.

The reward for turning her on successfully

The more effort you put into pressing the right physical and mental buttons, the greater the rewards. Obviously you’re going to be hoping for fantastic sex, but so will she.
It’s no secret that women have a harder time of reaching orgasm in general. Hopefully all this extra groundwork will stand you in good stead to give her an orgasm. Then both you and she will be rewarded for your thoughtfulness and effort.


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