Grow More Taller; 20 Best Exercises to Increase Height

The height of a person is actually decided by genetics. But, there are a few ways in which this height can be altered a bit to make you taller. Exercise is the best method. There are a number of exercises that can help you gain a few additional inches. Read on for a few of them, which can be really useful

1. Downhill

Stand with your hands together and arms behind you. Bend down at the waist as far as possible and slowly swing your arms as high as possible behind you. Each repetition should last for 4 to 6 seconds.

2. Straight Legs Up

Leg ups are definitely in the top 10 exercises for height increase. They are simple and very easy. Lie down on your back. Slowly lift your legs up together. Raise them straight in the air. Gradually take them back downwards near the ground, keeping them few inches above the floor. Again rise them up in the straight vertical 90 degrees with the floor and bring them back just above the ground. Start with 7-8 repetitions a day.

3. Bar Hanging

Gravity adversely affects your height by compressing your spines and joints, which squeezes and thins the cartilage, giving you a shorter appearance. Hanging on a vertical bar is a simple way to combat this problem. Hanging makes the lower torso’s weight stretch the spine and decreases the pull on the vertebra. This results in increasing the height by 1 to 2 inches, but not instantly.

A horizontal bar for this should be placed at such a height that it allows the body to extend with room to move. If your body cannot fully extend, then bend your knees slightly in order to hang freely. Ensure that while grasping the bar, your palms are facing outwards. While hanging keep your arms, shoulders and hips as relaxed as possible, so that the gravity effectively pulls the body further. For additional benefits, you can try wearing ankle weights. This process should last for 20 seconds with a gap in between and should be repeated at least 3 times. This can most certainly be considered a good choice among the height increasing exercises. 

4. Swimming

Swimming for a couple of hours for at least 5 days a week is considered to be extremely beneficial for increasing your height. Being a full body exercise, swimming is the most intense form of exercise done in water. It enables you to use your legs, body, and arms to the fullest and thus, develops muscle strength. Breast stroke is the best swimming style to increase your height. Hence, if you want to increase your height, it is advisable to learn and practice swimming.


5. Hopping With One Leg

Being one of the simplest exercises ever, this can be done anywhere, in the course of any activity like watching TV, playing in the park or while doing any other work. Hop on your left leg eight times with your hands pointing towards the sky and then hop on your right leg in the same way. This bouncing activity is beneficial for brain development, strengthening of legs and generation of growth hormones.

6. Pilates Roll Over 

This is an excellent workout to stretch your spine and lengthen your upper body.
Lie on your back with your arms along your sides, palms down. With your legs together, extend them straight up toward the ceiling and bend them backwards so that they touch the floor. It may not be possible to touch the floor at first, but you can do this by practice.

7. Forward Spine Stretch

This exercise is a simple yet effective one for proper articulation of spine. One should practice it after a tiring workout session like in swimming. Just sit with your legs flattened out straight on the floor. Inhale deeply and feel the breath across the height of your spine exhale with relaxing your shoulders and bending your spine forward with hand joined and stretched along with the spine.

8. Ankle Weights

This exercise is primarily meant to increase the length of your lower body as it focuses on stretching the cartilage between the knees. Due to prolonged stretching, the cartilage gets elongated and increases in mass. Hence, the length of your lower body increases.

Sit on a high chair and tie an ankle weight fastener to add weights to your ankle. You can start with small weights and gradually increase your weights as you go on. Allow your legs to stretch down due to the pressure of the weights. After completing this procedure, remove the weights and allow your legs to relax by kicking your legs gently 5 to 10 times and then vigorously 5 to 10 times. This flexes your knee cartilage and enables it to grow in length.

9. The Table

Sit down on the floor keeping your legs straight. Your torso should be absolutely straight. Now, place your palms on the floor next to your butt and tuck your chin against your chest. Having done so, bring your head as far as it will go. While doing this, you should raise your body so that your knees bend while the arms stay straight. Your torso and upper legs should be straight and horizontal to the floor while your arms and lower legs should be perpendicular to the floor. In this way, you occupy the shape of a table. It is quite a difficult stretch and you should try to do the best you can even if you cannot do it perfectly. Each repetition should be done for 8 to 20 seconds.

10. Cat Stretch

Also known as the Indian Dandwat, this exercise is meant to open up your spine and strengthen your shoulders, chest, palms and back. It basically stretches your hamstrings while putting stress on your stomach. It is beneficial for blood circulation.
Place your hands and knees on the floor with your arms locked out. Inhale while flexing your spine down and exhale while bringing your spine up into an arched position and your head down. The spine at this position should be arched. Keep your shoulders high and elbows straight. Your pelvic bone should touch the floor. Each repetition should last for 3 to 8 seconds.

11. Alternate Leg Kick

Thighs muscles are very important to be strengthened. They carry the weight of your upper body. So to increase height one must simultaneously strengthen these muscles to maintain the equivalent body-mass growth. Lie down on your back. Keep both legs straight. Bring one leg near to your chest. Then straighten it. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat the motion like in cycling. Don’t rest your feet on the ground in between.

Along with physical workouts, there is one very important component of growth working in the backdrop. Food for increasing height should be well equipped in all the nutritional values and balanced diet. Proteins are a must. Eggs and pulses should be given a fair quarter of your meals. Addition of more and more green and leafy vegetables provides essential vitamins to your body. These vitamins refurbish the overall body growth. Roughage is again very important to be included in your meals. When you work out, a considerable amount of energy is spent on your performance. Milk and yogurt are best options available for energy supplements. Homemade ghee and olive oil in meals provide your machinery with the much needed oiling supplements. Always remember to take your breakfast and rest of the meals on time to attain a taller stature.

12. Forward Bend

This is a well-known and widely followed exercise to increase height. Stand straight with your legs wide apart. Extend your hands up straight, bend down forward and touch the floor with your hands, without bending your knees. Then, return to the original position.

13. The Bow Down

Stand straight with your hands placed on your hips. Staying in this position, bend forward as far as possible, leading with your head. Always remember not to bend your knees and keep your chin off your chest. Each repetition should last for 4 to 8 seconds.

14. Spot Jump

Keep your legs close and stand on your toe. Now, start jumping with your hand straight up in the air for at least 2 minutes.

15. Wall Stretch

Stand up against a wall and try to reach your hands as high as possible. While doing so, you can get onto your tiptoes. Your spine should be kept flat against the wall as much as possible. Each repetition here should be done for 4 to 6 seconds. This stretch is a bit harder than it looks because your spine is kept flat against the wall.

16. Rope Skipping

This one is not just a fun game but rather a fun way to grow taller too. Skipping rope involves a lot of jumping. Jumping triggers the cells of your body from head to toe. Each single muscle becomes active. This collaborative muscle work-out is the ideal way for a streamlined growth of your body. This is a fine way to retune the fat distribution in different body zones.

17. Standing Vertical Stretch

To do this exercise, stand on your toes with feet placed apart and lift your body on them. This helps in toning calf muscles too.

18. Super Stretch

Stand with your hands placed together behind your neck and bend your head upwards and back as far as possible. Each repetition should last for a duration of 5 to 15 seconds.


This is basically a Yoga exercise intended to increasing your vertical height
Do 3-4 repetitions with each repetition lasting between 5-30 seconds
5 Simple exercises to grow taller by 3 to 6 inches

Your body needs HGH(Human Growth hormone) that is essential for the growth of the long bones of your body. HGH is secreted in your body by the pituitary gland and it helps in the growth of bones and cartilages in your body. Through HGH is naturally produced inside your body, you need ample Growth Hormone to ensure maximum growth of your body

20. Pelvic Shift

This exercise is a favorite of fitness instructors all over.  It is simple, but you will quickly feel the stretching that occurs up and down your spine and in your hips.
You will want to begin the exercise by lying on your back with your shoulders and arms planted firmly on the floor.  Bend your knees and draw your feet as close to your buttock as you can.  Next, arch your back so that your pelvis thrusts upward.
Hold this position for at least 20 seconds and try to work up to holding it for 30 seconds.  As you repeat this move, you should feel more and more stretching in your front hips.
It is always a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning any exercise regiment to make sure your body is healthy enough for this activity.


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